An original poem by Sara Raztresen.
© 2022.
Oj, ti prijateljica,
pridi sem, prosim, pridi.
(Hey, you friend.
Come, please, come.)
Sonce šlo bo iz temnega kraja,
pa prvi pri zimi moramo it.
(The sun will go from a dark place,
but first, we have to go to winter.)
Temno bo bilo življenje, prav.
Temno in tako mrzlo.
(Dark will life be, yes.
Dark and so cold.)
Zaradi Navesa je, zaradi boginje
in s takšnimi imeni znamo jo.
(It's because of Nav (the slavic underworld), because of a goddess,
and with these names, we know her.)
Boginja smrti in ponovna rojstva je.
Boginja sanjih, boginja čarodništva.
(She's a goddess of death and rebirth,
a goddess of dreams, a goddess of magic.)
A kljub takšni temni zimi, res je
tudi pa boginja žita in kmetijstva.
(But despite this dark winter, she's really
also a goddess of grain and agriculture.)
Zato prosim, prijateljica, z mano reci:
"Dobrodošli, Morana, kraljica v zimi."
(Therefore, friend, say with me:
"Welcome, Morana, queen in winter.")